This dessert recipe might be our new favorite at The Greater Knead. We have successfully converted our spectacular tasty chocolate chip bagel that is for any meal occasion into a dessert ice cream sandwich bagel recipe! OMG we're serious. This recipe is both easy and amazing for a dessert treat that will certainly wow you with ingredients you probably have already in the freezer and cabinet.
Look for The Greater Knead chocolate chip bagels online. Grab some allergen-free chocolate options to melt, vanilla ice cream or your favorite variety and gluten-free safe sprinkles of choice. Then follow this easy gluten-free dessert recipe that will only take minutes to enjoy with family and friends. It's so good our mouth is watering just thinking of it :)
Gluten-Free Modifications / Allergen-Free
This gluten-free ice cream sandwich recipe can easily swap out ingredients to be vegan or free from a variety of allergens. Many plant-based ice creams are available to choose from including traditional ice cream that is gluten-free safe. There are sprinkle options that are gluten-free and also can be free of artificial ingredients to indulge! Whether you prefer dark or sweet chocolate there is options to swap for you, too. If you love this recipe rank it with 5 stars and share it on social media and email it to friends!