French toast is often something I’ve longed for. I go out for a lovely brunch or breakfast with my family, sit myself at the table, and open the menu, only to be faced with the delectable yet out of reach little beast. I love sweets. I love carby, wonderful, bready, sweets with all of my heart and soul. My sweet tooth, especially for baked goods, is massive. I thought going gluten free meant I had to lose all of that. Fortunately for us, using Greater Knead bagels, we can recreate a fantastic french toast using a fairly simple recipe in only 15 minutes.

Can I freeze french toast bites?

Yes! You most definitely can freeze these french toast bites after making them! Although our bagels have a 9 month freezer life, I’d recommend freezing these bites for a maximum of 2 months, seeing as you’ll be adding fresh ingredients such as eggs and milk. (Or replacements of such!!!)

Toppings and add-ons

Of course french toast has its varieties and fun little add ons to really upstage the dish. While I recommend some butter and maybe syrup, there’s of course the classic berries, whipped cream, ice cream, and anything else you so desire. Did you know that some people actually eat french toast savory? They put salt and pepper on it after frying the bread, and then top it with mayonnaise or ketchup! Sounds a little odd, but why not try it with your gluten free french toast 



Although this recipe contains both eggs and milk, it can be easily modified to be made either egg or dairy free- or both. For the egg, you can simply use a store bought egg replacer, or make a chia or flax egg. All that’s required for that is a tablespoon of chia seeds or ground flax meal, and two to two and a half tablespoons of water. Keep in mind these homemade remedies take about 10 minutes to set, so plug that into your morning schedule if you plan on running around. Milk-wise, you could substitute dairy milk for just about anything. Oat, almond, soy, cashew, hemp, etc. You can also make homemade almond milk (although not nut free) by using almond butter and water and putting it into a blender. For every cup and a half of water, add two tablespoons of almond butter, and then blend for roughly 3 minutes.

Messy? Skills?

Mess-wise all this recipe really requires is a good bowl and a pan, and takes a solid 10-15 minutes tops. It’s also super simple, assuming you know how to use a microwave and a pan. It’s a super easy recipe! 


French toast dates back all the way back to the 1st century, in Latin recipes. The original recipe required bread soaked in milk and beaten eggs, and honey to sweeten the dish. The french name for french toast is actually “pain perdu” meaning “lost bread”. Glad to know the french toast gets me. What it's like to be lost in the cavernous abysmal hell of living… maybe.  


 French toast bites are a great option to start off your morning. Sweet and simple, topped with berries, whipped cream, or whatever other treats you have around, it’s absolutely versatile. Some even serve it savory! This dish is easily made gluten-free with our bagels, and can be elevated even further with our french toast style bagels. Make it for your kids, you, or your partner, these french toast bites are truly a gift! Enjoy!
